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WoolProducers drives opportunity to reach national harmonisation on Sheep NLIS

The SAFEMEAT Advisory Group (Advisory Group) has agreed not to endorse the draft NLIS Standards for Sheep and Goats (the Draft Standards) acknowledging that further work is required to achieve national harmonisation for the roll-out of electronic devices (EIDs).


This decision was made following the stance taken by WoolProducers in late January to withdraw support for the mandatory roll-out and also not endorse the Draft Standards due to ongoing concerns with the process and lack of goodwill from some stakeholders.


WoolProducers CEO, Ms Jo Hall said, “the decision by the Advisory Group to try and find a way forward in achieving national harmonisation vindicates WoolProducers’ position regarding our concerns about the piecemeal approach being taken by jurisdictions with the rollout of EIDs for sheep including the Draft Standards”.


“WoolProducers made the decision to withdraw support to highlight the fact that the opportunity to deliver a robust national traceability system was being wasted, and if the process was not going to result in truly national harmonisation it was going to come at a significant cost to producers with no net gains in national biosecurity outcomes.”


“The Board of WoolProducers could not, in good faith, continue to support the process as it stood.” Ms Hall said.


The Advisory Group agreed that there were a small number of outstanding matters to be resolved and a facilitated process to finalise the Draft Standards will be initiated as a matter of high priority.


The process will be led by a yet-to-be-determined independent facilitator and will engage relevant SAFEMEAT stakeholders. This process has tight goals and timeframes, aiming to achieve unanimous agreement from all stakeholders with a deadline for final endorsement at the July 2024 meeting of SAFEMEAT Partners.


“While WoolProducers welcomes the Advisory Group decision and the agreement of a clear path forward, we will not be pressured into agreeing to anything for the sake of meeting a deadline, we have seen far too often poor policy decisions being made to accommodate external timeframes”.


“To reiterate, we currently have the opportunity to deliver a fit-for-purpose national traceability system and it therefore must be done properly and not just to suit an arbitrary date.” Ms Hall said.


WoolProducers acknowledges the support of other organisations and producers who backed our decision to withdraw support to try and achieve a commonsense outcome in the interests of sheep and wool producers and the delivery of biosecurity outcomes.


Ms Hall said, “If this process delivers on its aim of unanimous agreement from relevant stakeholders to achieve nationally consistent minimum traceability standards, WoolProducers will be one step closer to recommitting to supporting the roll-out of EIDs, however it is too early to commit to anything yet”.


“While it was surprising that there were still some organisations who were willing to endorse the Draft Standards, even in the absence of national harmonisation, WoolProducers are very pleased that the majority of Advisory Group members were willing to work towards a beneficial outcome.” Ms Hall said.



WoolProducers Australia contacts:

Jo Hall                                                                                                                                   Adam Dawes                                       

CEO                                                                                                                                       General Manager

0488 554 811                                                                                                                      0455 442 776

About WoolProducers’ Australia

WoolProducers plays a critical role in working closely with companies and entities funded by woolgrower funds including compulsory levies or fees for service.

Its mission is to develop constructive and profitable outcomes for woolgrowers nationally.

The agency is responsible for appointing a director to each of the Australian Wool Exchange and the Australia Wool

Testing Authority, promoting good corporate governance and ensuring that the interests of growers are met.

WoolProducers maintains a working relationship with Australian Wool Innovation as the voice of woolgrower shareholders. It aims to contribute to AWI’s programs for the benefit of growers, promoting responsible use of levy funds and ensuring good corporate governance.

WoolProducers is the sole wool industry member of Animal Health Australia, and as such, carries a significant responsibility for decision making on behalf of the industry in the event of an emergency animal disease outbreak.

As the only wool grower organisation with membership of the National Farmers’ Federation, WoolProducers is responsible for providing key policy advice on behalf of our members, and other wool growers, to Australia’s peak farm body.

WoolProducers also works closely with the Federal Government Departments on key issues such as animal health and welfare, biosecurity, pest management control, natural resource management, drought preparedness, emergency animal disease outbreak preparedness and industry development, including research, trade and logistics.




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